Online Returns.

Cast your mind back to the dark days of Covid 19 when we were all washing our hands whilst singing Happy Birthday, making sourdough bread and banging pots and pans on a Thursday night to show our support and appreciation to our magnificent NHS workers.

23rd March 2020 first lockdown a week before the start of our Trout season on 1st April.
25th March 2020 all members notified of closure of all fisheries until further notice.
16th April lockdown extended and we were beginning to wonder if we would ever get a chance to fish in 2020.
Then on Sunday 10th May the then Prime Minister let us off the leash and fishing was to be allowed with some significant restrictions. This was confirmed by the Angling Trust. These restrictions still required frequent hand washing and social distancing. We opened game fisheries on Wednesday 13th May to lots of whooping and great relief to many members, some of whom were suffering serious cabin fever.
Signing in / return books had been removed from open fisheries and an online return form had been set up.
We ran this system for nearly 2 months and received 1780 entries with no complaints.
A success of sorts. The downside was that all fishery data was presented on one spread sheet so took a little while to sift through.
Hard copy return books were replaced in early July.
The information we gather from the returns is essential for the successful management of our fisheries.

At the end of the trout season all the books are collected and the laborious process of compiling the data begins.
It took Brian Phillips our Bailiff Co-ordinator many hours to produce the catch statistics that are presented at the Annual Game Meeting.
This year we are reintroducing this online return system at the following fisheries. Durnford, West Amesbury below Ham Hatches, West Amesbury above Ham Hatches and Queensberry.

Each of the above will have their own return form easily accessed either from a QR code (Quick Response) or direct web link.
Management and members will have access to the data for each of the fisheries again via a QR or direct web link.
Initially this system will be run in parallel with the hard copy return books. A belt and braces approach. It is important to note that the books should still be completed as normal but encourage as many of you as possible to complete a E return so we can look for any issues.
There might be some tweaks along the way but if successful will be rolled out to all game fisheries.

What is a QR code?

QR Code is a two-dimensional version of the barcode, typically made up of black and white pixel patterns. Denso Wave, a Japanese subsidiary of the Toyota supplier Denso, developed them for marking components in order to accelerate logistics processes for their automobile production. Now, it has found its way into mobile marketing with the widespread adoption of smartphones. “QR” stands for “Quick Response”, which refers to the instant access to the information hidden in the Code.

How do I scan QR codes.
Depending on your device, you might already have a built-in QR Code reader or scanner. Open the camera app on your mobile phone and hold it over a Code for a few seconds until a notification pops up. If this doesn’t happen, check your settings and see if QR Code scanning is enabled. Still not working? Don’t worry, all you have to do now is install third-party QR Code readers from your app stores.  There are plenty available free in either app store.

The QR & Web Links will be shown on the Return Boxes.

The process is very simple:

On finishing fishing scan the QR code on the Returns Book  using your mobile phone and complete the form which will take mere seconds. This can also be done retrospectively either again from phone or PC.
If you wish to see how a particular fishery is performing just scan the Results QR or click the direct web link.

Returns QR Results QR
Durnford Catch Returns Durnford Catch Results
Catch Returns Web Link Catch Results Web Link