To renew your Salisbury & District  Angling Club membership Log into your Clubmate Member Area

Click Here to Login

Download Version Click Here

Step 1

Step 2.

Occasionally, when using an iPhone the “Renew Now” button hides further down the page, scroll down and it should become visible.

Step 3.

Step 4

Step 5

S&DAC Membership Profile

Complete all required fields and click “Save & Continue”

Car Reg Number is a mandatory field, enter xxx if no car.
EA Rod Licence Number is also a mandatory field.

Please also upload your photograph.

Step 6

Please make  sure that along with the mandatory fields you complete your full postal address.
Without this information we will not know where to send  your membership book!

If require correct omissions.

Save & Continue.


Step 7.

Add extras if require or click continue to proceed.

Step 8

Step 9.

Step 10.

Note the amount will show as GBP £0.00 this is correct.

Approved in your bank app.

Step 11.

Step 12

The system securely stores your credit/debit card details. Removing the card though is a simple one button process.

  1. To remove a payment card from Clubmate, you can do the following:
  2. Log in to Clubmate.
  3. Select Edit your profile from the dashboard on the left side.
  4. Click Update your payment details.
  5. Click the link that says Update your payment details.
  6. Click Remove this card.