Welcome and Introduction
Welcome to the Salisbury and District Angling Club, we have many miles of rivers and several lakes for you to enjoy. This leaflet sets out some of the information you will need to access the fisheries. We have a variety of owned and leased fisheries, rules and requirements can vary and seem a little confusing at first. If in any doubt ask one of our club officials.
Membership Book
You will require a valid membership book before you start fishing. You need to fix a current passport style photograph in your book, sign across it and fill in your EA rod licence number before you visit our fisheries.
Every fishery has its own page. Please read it carefully, not only the individual fishery rules, but also the member rules and other guidance. All the information you will need is in the book.
Arriving ready to fish.
You will find maps and instructions for the fisheries in your membership book, car parks will be shown and signposted. In some cases there may be locks and gates. For combination locks insert code from your membership book and press button on base to operate or squeeze lock together depending on type used. Lock it behind you and remember to scramble the numbers. On most fisheries you will find a return book in a green box near to the entrance.
You should always sign in before you start fishing and complete the return immediately after fishing. On most game fisheries you will find a tally board with tags to indicate availability of beats. In some cases these are loose and you will choose the beat you want and keep the tag with you until you have finished fishing. In other cases these are attached to the board and you will turn over the tag to indicate “taken” and turn it back to “free” after fishing. Some fisheries have an unrestricted system where you simply turn up and fish, there will still be a return book but no tally board. On all these sites chalkstream etiquette and good manners are expected, read the section Approaching a Chalk Stream by Gordon Mackie in your membership book. Always ask another member’s permission if you wish to pass on the bank. Stay well back from the water whilst moving up or down a fishery. The information you provide in the return book enables us to manage the fishing pressure and to make annual plans for stocking and water maintenance.
Please do not attempt to visit our fisheries outside the fishing season, members do not have access to the land outside the dates shown on the fishery pages. Each fishery page has the individual rules for that fishery, please read the individual page before fishing.
Chalk Stream etiquette on S&DAC waters.
If you are new to fly fishing on chalk streams the chalk stream fishing etiquette may seem confusing at first. We always approach the river from the downstream end and only cast upstream or up and across. Your fly should not pass below your position on the river. We fish dry fly and sunken nymph but check your membership book carefully at every fishery for the relevant rules and dates as they vary site to site.
At many of our fisheries we only allow one angler per beat and no guests either fishing or non-fishing. This is a requirement of the club by our landlords and must be respected. At some fisheries non-fishing guests are allowed and here a spouse or family member can enjoy a day on or near the bank.
Before fishing spend a little time observing the water and any other anglers on site, always try to move carefully and remain so far as possible unseen, for all anglers’ benefit it is important that you disturb the water as little as possible. In most cases try casting to rising fish, rather than speculatively but if necessary it is acceptable to cast to likely places when no fish are rising
Wading Guidance.
Wading is permitted where indicated in your book. The areas that can be waded are normally those that are difficult to fish from the bank. You will usually find access and exit steps and wading signs, do not wade outside these areas or outside dates indicated in your book. These rules are in place to protect spawning gravels and the river bed generally.
Always check your fishery map to find out if we have a single bank fishery or if we have both banks. At a single bank fishery you should only wade to the mid line of the river. On double bank fisheries take care before casting to the far bank as another member may be fishing there.
It is advisable to wade in the margins of the river to protect the bed but it is understood that this is not always possible and some discretion is allowed.
We are guests on most of our fisheries, even where we own fishing rights we are guests on the land. Respect the country code, close gates, leave no litter, pick up litter wherever you find it, do not wander away from the banks or the marked areas for parking. Do not interfere with livestock, wildlife or game, we have no permission other than to be present to fish. Observe the rules regarding dogs at each fishery.
Disciplinary code, bailiffs, keepers and officials.
The club has a published disciplinary code to protect its interests in retaining our privileged fishing arrangements. You may be approached on the bank by our voluntary bailiffs, keepers, club officials, owners and others and may be asked to identify yourself. Always have your membership book available for checking. Always follow any guidance given to you.
The Cartshed HQ.
The club’s office at the Cartshed is usually open during normal office hours. You will find contact details in your membership book. The club manager will be there most of that time. The keepers will often be there in the morning and sometimes after 4.00pm. Please approach officials, keepers and bailiffs if you are in any doubt about our arrangements, or if you want to report any issues. Please respect the fact that staff may be busy, they will always make time for members if at all possible. When keepers are using machine tools on the banks such as mowers, trimmers or chain saws please keep well clear and respect the fact that they may not hear or see your approach.
“Chalk Stream Fly Fishing A 21st Century Anthology”
Written by twelve members of your Club. It provides a comprehensive guide to fishing our waters. £20.00 from the Cartshed.