Self Help FAQ

Self Help FAQ2021-03-24T12:35:45+00:00

Answers to many commonly asked questions.

What payment methods can I use to renew my membership ?2024-04-23T16:27:12+01:00

We have two methods for renewing your subscriptions.

  1.  Online system. Any debit or credit card. This is the preferred method
  2. BACS transfer quoting your membership Number as a reference

Please do not visit the Cart shed and expect your renewal to be completed whilst you wait.

Please do not use cheque payment for renewals. This incurs addition costs.

S&DAC River Invertebrate Larvae2021-02-14T10:52:55+00:00

The Salisbury & District Angling Club  River Invertebrate Larvae web site can be found by following the link below.

The site contains high resolution images to assist with the identification of river invertebrate larvae  – mostly to species level

Registration is required to access the site.

How do I get a new car sticker?2020-05-29T15:19:41+01:00

If you need a new Club Badge car sticker, simply send your request along with an SAE to the Club’s office.

Can I pay my membership subscription by installments?2020-05-21T13:12:14+01:00

We are unable to accept any form of installment payments.

How do I go about joining the Club?2021-02-08T23:21:58+00:00

If you wish to join  as a game member there is a waiting list in operation please read details here:

Unlike Game membership where there is a waiting list a Coarse/Mixed Fishery membership can be purchased at any time.

Does the Club offer any concessions to disabled anglers?2019-04-02T10:23:05+01:00

The club offers a 30% reduction on subscription fees for disabled anglers, please apply direct to the manager.

Where can I obtain day tickets for non premium waters?2020-10-18T10:13:09+01:00

Fishing day tickets.

  • Lords Walk
    Trout – £10 per day, Coarse £5 per day, tickets available from Hill’s Cycles & Fishing Tackle. Smithfield St, Amesbury,  Wiltshire SP4 7AL.  Tel: 01980 622705
  • Town Water
    Trout – £10 per day, Coarse £8 per day, tickets available from GT Bait & Tackle, Unit 8a, Glenmore Business Park, Telford Road,   Salisbury SP2 7GL. Tel: 01722 333097
    email: gtbaitand
  • Nadder Constable Fishery
    as Town Water above.
  • Durrington
    Trout: April 1st to Oct. 15th Grayling Jun. 16th to Dec. 31st
    £10.00 per day  from Palmers Newsagents, 87 Bulford Road, Durrington, SP4 8EX, Tel: 01980 652 528.
Where can I find out the Membership renewal costs?2018-05-01T23:33:11+01:00

Rather than call the office which wastes valuable time please check the renewals page on the web site. HERE

How do I apply for life membership?2018-04-05T18:00:47+01:00

Life membership at a cost of 10 times the current annual non-concessionary subscription is available to current members of five consecutive years standing who are aged 65 years or older on 1st April of the applicable season. A limit of a total of 75 life members will apply.

Members wishing to apply who satisfy these requirements are to contact the General Manager by letter.

See Membership Rule 1 in Year Book.

When does membership start and finish?2020-10-18T10:08:59+01:00

Membership starts on 1st April or on the date when your application is accepted and runs until 31st March the following year.

Who do I contact if I have problems with the Club Forum?2020-05-21T13:07:37+01:00

The Club’s Manager does not administer the Forum.

Please contact Bill Latham (details in Year Book)  if you need assistance stating your username and email address that was used when you registered.

Please note: Accounts that are inactive for the 12 months preceding 1st April will be automatically deleted.



When is the trout closed season?2016-10-19T16:05:30+01:00

All our fisheries are governed by the Environment Agency rod fishing byelaws: South West Region.

Download click here

Our close season for trout runs from 15th October to 31st March both dates inclusive.

How do I join the Club’s Forum?2021-05-10T09:06:28+01:00

The forum is for fully paid up Club members only as it could contain sensitive information not available to the general public.

To join please register here:  CLICK HERE

You will receive an email from the Forum Administrator asking you to verify your club membership details.


Is there a close season at Petersfinger and Steeple Langford lakes?2015-05-24T17:52:15+01:00

Yes,  these 2 lakes are closed between 1st April and 31st May.

When is the Annual General Meeting?2021-03-24T12:43:44+00:00

The AGM is usually held around the second week in January, the exact date is published in the membership year book.
This is not to be confused with the Annual Game Meeting held at the end of the trout season, again dates are published in the year book.

When do I become a Senoir Citizen?2015-03-04T20:10:13+00:00

From Management rules in year book.

Seniors Citizens living within  14 mile of Salisbury shall pay an appropriate subscription rate on reaching the state retirement age, and Associate Members of five years standing. having reached the State Retirement age, shall pay the appropriate annual subscription all as determined at the AGM.

Is there a waiting list to join the Game section of the Club?2019-01-04T00:21:58+00:00

There is a waiting list in operation, for associate members, those living outside a 14 mile radius from the centre of Salisbury, at the moment this is currently about 3 – 4 years.

For people living within that radius the waiting list is approximately 1 year but depends on membership turnover.

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