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Steeple Langford Lakes to reopen

We are pleased to announce that the lakes at Steeple Langford will reopen on Friday 1st July from 08.00 hours.

Following the EA suggestion the club has carried out test fishing and the condition of the fish caught has been good. Having allowed time for the lakes to recover from the incident has been beneficial.

The EA report highlighted issues with the high level of nutrients in the water and as a consequence we were strongly advised to reduce the nutrient load in the form of bait going into the lakes. This is particularly important due to the reduced biomass of fish in the lake. The club will together with the EA continue to monitor the level of nutrients on a regular basis.


  • Maximum limit of 1kg of groundbait per 24 hours, including boilies.
  • Meat and bread as hook bait only. Limited use of floating bread crust is acceptable.
  • No particle baits (seeds, nuts, pulses), unless prepared correctly.
  • Only dry nets, slings, mats or cradles to be taken to the fishery. A new net dip has been provided.
  • No sacking or retaining carp.
  • A temporary ban on the use of keepnets.
  • No fixed rigs.
  • Barbless or micro barbed hooks only.
  • Fish care kit (advisory).


Your feedback on fish catches, condition and numbers of fish caught would be much appreciated.

We are sure that all members will understand and appreciate the steps the club has taken at this time.

Roger Hunt

Vice Chairman (Coarse)

2016-10-22T08:49:30+01:00June 29th, 2016|News|Comments Off on Steeple Langford Lakes to reopen

River Invertebrate Larvae

River Invertebrate Larvae


Please note the River Invertebrate App is no longer being supported.

Go Here

for all the high definition images from Dr. Cyril Bennett.

Not an app as such but images can be viewed  and downloaded to your PC or smartphone.

Registration is required which will be used for advising of image updates and additions.

2020-06-10T10:51:50+01:00June 15th, 2016|News|Comments Off on River Invertebrate Larvae

Response to “Fishing Breaks” by John Slader, on behalf of the Trout and Salmon Conservation UK.

“Fishing Breaks recent newsletter calls into question Salmon &  Trout Conservation UK’s (S&TC) Riverfly Census report despite it  being based on independent scientific evidence.
 I am involved  with the work of S&TC. I have also undertaken a considerable amount  of guiding over the past 12 years on the chalkstreams although my  angling roots go back to the 1950’s. 
 One thing I feel I can’t be  critised for is not having a lack of passion for the aquatic  environment and in particular the health below the surface as opposed to  what is above it, which is so often the focus of media attention. 
  The Government and its Agencies continue to brain wash the public with  how “clean” our rivers are and whilst it is true (and cause for  celebration) that certain rivers e.g. Trent, Mersey, Thames, Tyne etc  have been transformed from the ravages of industry, I am sure many will  agree we now face very different, and often invisible, challenges. I  believe “clean” is never a word that should be used in the context of a  river; in its extreme “clean” can mean sterile and of course such an  environment will not support life. Instead we need to talk about the  ecological status and this leads to a much different story. By the  Government’s own admission 83% of rivers in England fail the test of  good ecological status. This is not S&TC scare mongering or  inventing but rather telling it how it is.
 S&TC does not act on a whim but bases its campaigns on scientific evidence.
  It is now well over a decade since Messrs Hayes and Frake published the  Millennium Chalkstream Fly Survey raising concerns about a decline in  fly life populations. True memories can play […]

2016-10-22T08:49:30+01:00May 31st, 2016|News|Comments Off on Response to “Fishing Breaks” by John Slader, on behalf of the Trout and Salmon Conservation UK.

Spring 2016 Newsletter


Dear Members,

As I am writing these lines the game season has started and April is nearly gone. The rivers are running high with strong flows and the aquifers are full. The first week of the season looked very promising but the stormy weather in late March rendered most of our rivers unfishable. Still, it is very good news that there is plenty of water in the system and it
bodes well for good sport later in the season.

The grannom hatches started during the second week of April and there are some olives about. Fishing has been very much hit and miss, as it normally is the case in this early part of the season. Luckily, all of our river beats are open to members except the section below Ham Hatches at West Amesbury which still remains closed due to flooded banks. Please check the forum, or our main web site page under “Latest Fishing Availability” for the latest update.

We are hoping to have a decent mayfly season this year, if one is to judge by the number of mayfly nymphs that our fly monitors find in their three minute monthly “kick samples”. With plenty of water in the aquifers we should have good summer sport, but as ever we are at the mercy of the weather so it would be unwise to make early predictions. One thing is for sure though, the Avon is a very healthy river and has good fly-life when compared with many other rivers in the country. Based on an independent survey of 12 rivers in the UK, both chalk streams and spate, the Wiltshire Avon came second after the Derbyshire Wye in […]

2016-10-22T08:49:30+01:00April 25th, 2016|News, Newsletters|Comments Off on Spring 2016 Newsletter

S&DAC Fly Fishing Open Day -May 15th 2016

S&DAC Fly-fishing Open Day – May 15 2016 at Manningford

Open day for S&DAC members and their guests, to take place at Manningford Fishery (map 8 in your book), starting at 9:30 a.m.
Our Hon. Vice President Charles Jardine will lead the day with a team of best class instructors, entomologists and flytiers.Buffet lunch and soft drinks are included in the price. Hot tea, coffee and cakes will be on sale. Our annual raffle will take place over lunch.


2016-10-22T08:49:30+01:00April 18th, 2016|News|Comments Off on S&DAC Fly Fishing Open Day -May 15th 2016

New Chub Record 6lb 4oz.

Stuart Vaughan captured a magnificent Chub of 6lb 4oz on 8th March on the Burgate fishery. This is a new club record.
Stuart fished a legered lob worm and the fish was the only one of the day.

Salisbury & District A C New Chub Record - 6lb 4oz.

2016-11-03T00:06:37+00:00March 24th, 2016|News|Comments Off on New Chub Record 6lb 4oz.

Game Waters Update – 8th March 2016

With the season rapidly approaching there is a lot to report on the game front. The general conditions on the banks are good so if the weather continues much as it is all waters will be open on April 1st. The catchment has had steady if unspectacular rainfall filling the aquifers and topping up the rivers allowing a good flush through but not messing up the banks too much..
A number of fisheries have had attention over the winter, Durnford has a new fence on 3, 5 and 7. A lot of tree work has been done throughout the fishery. Wading steps, bridges at Woodford, new signage on the beats and all the old post stumps/trip hazards in beats 2 and 13 have been pulled out. Woody berms installed to aid flow and protection of young fish.
Gates and rails have gone in at West Amesbury as needed. Trees on the meadow bank at Abbey have been thinned. Tree work to improve casting space and in stream work for the fish have been done at Stonehenge. Some minor fencing improvements at Sutton Veny should help keep the cows on their own bank.
Big steps forward at Ratfyn Lake, agreement has been reached with the owner about future use exclusively for trout, the EA have looked at the health of the water, trees have been removed to stop more leaf litter going in. A trial stocking will be made to see how the fish cope and all being well will reopen on April 1st. Indications are that without carp, with the trees removed plus the owner’s work installing some aeration equipment things will be better there.
Other work is planned including bank and in stream work at West Amesbury just […]

2016-03-08T19:19:53+00:00March 8th, 2016|News|0 Comments

BT Lake Perch Catch

A really enjoyable session at the BT lake on Thursday fishing with another club member. Weather started off cold and damp but soon warmed up to around 6 degrees with clear sunny sky. The water was nice and clear and the wind was moderate to light. I fished float fished worm on a size 6 hook on the bottom and sometimes over a raised ledge near some tree roots. The fish were all in excellent condition with the best fish being the last one caught. The 3 best fish of the session were 1lb 2, 1lb 4 and 1 lb 8 ounces.

We were visited throughout the season by the friendly cock Robin, 3 Buzzards and a few noisy Pheasants too.

I plan another trip to try to capture a few of the larger specimens lurking in the water. A few Perch over 2 lbs have been recorded in the book in the past few weeks.

Roger Hunt

Roger Hunt Salisbury Angling ClubPerch catch at BT lake

2016-10-22T08:49:30+01:00February 2nd, 2016|News|0 Comments

Subscription rates for 2016 announced.

2016 -2017 Subscription Rates
At the Annual General Meeting held on Tuesday 12th January 2016 the following subscription rates were agreed.
Game Full/Associate Renewal: £223
Game Senior Citizen: £166
Game Junior: £57
Coarse Full/Associate: £105
Coarse Senior Citizen: £72
Coarse Junior: £29

To renew online please CLICK HERE and select the relevant  option.
Please follow all instructions carefully.
Last year we achieved over 80% of members renewing online which saved a huge amount of time in office administration.

Members can also pay by BACS transfer to:

Salisbury and District Angling Club
Sort Code: 40 40 14
Account Number: 21164015
Please quote your membership number on payment and email the office (  to advise.

If you are not comfortable with electronic means of payment, you may pay by cheque/cash.

2016-10-22T08:49:30+01:00January 15th, 2016|News|0 Comments

December 2015 Newsletter

Dear Members,

Annual General Meeting Tuesday 12th January 2016


Will be held at The Cycling Club, Salt Lane, Salisbury, SP1 1DU.

Read online below or  Click Here for download


Game Fishing Report 2015

Another season draws to a close. A few hardy members are still out chasing rainbows and grayling, but the waters have generally become very quiet in the run-up to Christmas. We find ourselves in a very healthy position with around 1,600 game fishing members and a growing waiting list. Our portfolio of about 30 miles of chalk streams and several trout lakes, together with fees at an affordable level, mean that demand for membership continues to grow.

The 2015 season started slowly with much better river and bank conditions than we have had for some years. Water flows were good, the aquifers full and all our fisheries opened on 1st April. Fishing conditions were challenging with little weed growth, only average hatches of grannom and cold, wet weather. A few large dark olives and a notable hatch of yellow may dun later in the spring took us through to the mayfly. The first of these (mayflies) appeared at West Amesbury around 11th March and, a week or so later, fish were seen feeding on them. This year, we did not have dense hatches, but the hatches were prolonged. Members enjoyed good fishing and some good sized fish were taken. The summer months brought very low flows; July was windy, August was wet, mayflies continued hatching, blue winged olives appeared but often very late in the evening, and the very best fishing was after many had gone home. September brought the usual daddy long legs, sedges and pale wateries and, after a decline in visits through the summer, […]

2016-10-22T08:49:31+01:00December 18th, 2015|Newsletters|0 Comments
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