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Fisheries Open & Closed Traffic Lights

.The list of fisheries open  will be found below.

From now on notifications about fishery opening will be made via the traffic light system on the website, the same as we used a few year s ago after the floods. Check the website if you want to know what is available, all the fisheries will be listed with their most recent status.

Please remember that we are still under restriction as a result of the risk of Covid19 infection. We rely on you to follow all social distancing and hygiene rules that are in force. It is no different when you are fishing.

When you arrive at fisheries you will need to handle gates,  locks, tally boards. Wear disposable gloves and wash your hands before and after touching anything.

Carry sanitiser or soap, bottled water and towel.

All huts are open from 31st August.

Keep safe and obey all distancing and hygiene rules.

The fisheries open or closed  updated 31st August are listed below ;-

Return Books have been reinstated.

2020-08-31T10:07:44+01:00July 20th, 2020|News|Comments Off on Fisheries Open & Closed Traffic Lights

News Update 29th June 2020

To all SADAC members.

In the light of the Government’s easing of restrictions and in line with the PM’s guidance that we must all now take personal responsibility for maintaining distance and for personal hygiene practice we are putting the return books back in to use from Saturday July 4th.

The electronic returns will be withdrawn and we will revert to our original practice of signing in and out of beats and recording catches in the books which is a mandatory club requirement.

Sanitise before and after handling books, boxes, pens, locks and gates.

All members must carry the means to sanitise their hands.

This will allow our bailiffs and staff to know who is on each beat and will enable the membership book and other checks.

SADAC Committee

Coarse Update.

As of the 1st July 2020 night fishing will be allowed at Petersfinger Lakes within current club guidelines and rules.  This will be monitored and assessed over the coming months.

Keepnets, these will not be allowed for now at Petersfinger, because we are continuing to assess the lakes health and the presence of a notifiable / Category 2 parasite that’s present in the fishery: Ergasilus briani However, we will be constantly assessing the feasibility of their use and may introduce them again for the autumn when the risk of transfer across venues is reduced slightly.

There have been a few catches filtering through the grapevine, please remember to fill out online returns until the books are reinstated (see above) at the coarse venues and to send any Carp caught for all lakes through the Coarse Fish Census under the Projects tab of the website, this will enable us to have a clearer picture of the stocks in all our lakes that will not be possible with netting alone.

A five-year fishery […]

2020-06-29T12:55:38+01:00June 29th, 2020|News|Comments Off on News Update 29th June 2020

Petersfinger and Steeple Langford Fisheries Opening June1st 2020

With the recent good weather and the relaxing of travel and leisure restrictions due to COVID 19 following from the problems at both fisheries over the last year it is with some pleasure that I can inform the membership that that both of these fisheries will be open from 0800 on June 1st albeit with some restrictions and extra requirements. Further good news is that Bulford Day ticket water and Nightingale lake will also be open from June 1st. Please take the time to read the notes below as they may affect your planned fishing session.


Hands Lake will be open from 0800 on June 1st but Clarks Lake will remain closed until further notice.

Only 12 members will be allowed on the fishery at any one time. Obviously this may be the cause of some disappointment but the restriction is necessary to allow sufficient safe spacing between anglers.

No night fishing will be allowed at present (dawn to dusk only, times as published in the yearbook).

No Keep nets or retention of carp.

A toilet will be installed with hand wash provided. Members are advised to bring your own hand sanitiser for bankside use as well to comply with COVID 19 safety advice..

As we have communicated in the past, Petersfinger is infected with a level 2 parasite so strict Bio-security precautions must be respected.

  • Please bring only dry gear to the fishery.
  • ALL nets etc. to be dipped on arrival at the fishery and before leaving.
  • Foot dip will be available for use on arrival and before leaving.

These measures are vital to prevent the spread of this parasite to other fisheries.

NOTE: Due to the recovery work needed to fully reinstate the fishery it may be necessary to close the […]

2020-05-29T12:27:45+01:00May 29th, 2020|News|Comments Off on Petersfinger and Steeple Langford Fisheries Opening June1st 2020

COVID-19 Update 11th May 2020

The Prime Minister’s broadcast on Sunday evening gave some hope that we will be able to return to our fishing soon. This has now been confirmed by the Angling Trust. We may resume fishing form Wednesday this week and there is no limit on travel. We will however notify our own opening dates separately.
The club has approx 1600 members at this time fishing over 30 miles of river bank and several lakes. There are many access points with parking on and off road. There are public rights of way close to some of our fisheries. The surroundings are often rural, meadow land with limited or no public access but some fisheries are more centrally based to Salisbury itself and have a lot of public access.
Many members are older but a good many also under 70. Govt. guidance may limit the opportunity for some to fish by reason of specific vulnerabilities. Many members will be vulnerable by virtue of age alone. All will be vulnerable to infection and must maintain social distancing and hygiene to mitigate this risk.
Now that the decision to return to fishing is confirmed there are still significant restrictions in place regarding the risk of infection by Covid19. These restrictions will continue to require frequent hand washing and social distancing.
It is therefore likely that not all members will return to fishing immediately but it is also likely that some will want to get out as soon as possible. The return will coincide with mayfly on the game waters and the end of the coarse close season also increasing the likelihood of members wishing to fish.

Risk Analysis. The risk identified is that of infection by Covid19 virus. This risk might arise member to member, […]

2020-06-03T16:18:13+01:00May 12th, 2020|News|Comments Off on COVID-19 Update 11th May 2020

Coarse Lakes Update April 2020

Some of you will be aware of rumours circulating via social media concerning problems at Steeple Langford. These may seem alarming and therefore this communication has been sent in the interest of openness and transparency as the club committee and staff tries to get to grips with the problems without being able to do much practically other than to contain the situation until the current restrictions are lifted.

About 8 weeks ago we suffered another algal bloom brought on by the unseasonal warm weather (for the second year in succession) and significant fish losses have occurred over the last 4 weeks. The club had planned to carry out extensive application of Barley Straw to help deter such an event but this has not been possible due to the severe flooding from the river Wyle in February/March and subsequently by the current movement restrictions which seem set to continue for some time yet. The fish stock remain lethargic as they start to come out of the lower activity levels throughout the winter and this has made them easier prey for the local Otter population which, due to the lack of footfall around the water,  has been more active on the water.

It is not possible at present to fully define the numbers of fish lost and the rate of loss as the keepers are only able to do essential work at the lake which currently means removal of dead fish and essential maintenance. The losses have, sadly, been significant and, so far, 47 bream, 42 carp, 12 pike, 10 tench and some silver fish. Though not on the scale of Petersfinger last spring (more on the subject of Petersfinger below) the losses are obviously significant. Unfortunately, it is […]

2020-04-20T23:32:54+01:00April 20th, 2020|News|Comments Off on Coarse Lakes Update April 2020

COVID-19 Fishing Suspended

As a result of both the floods which are still impacting on some beats and lakes but principally as a result of Covid19 and Government movement restrictions the committee has decided to close all club fisheries for the next three week period of the most stringent controls. We will review our position in the light of government guidance at the end of that period. This is to protect members, the staff, the wider public and public services from any impact however small it may be that our activities may have. Other clubs in the area have already made similar decisions or are reviewing their position. The Angling Trust have given clear guidance that we should refrain from fishing during this period.

It is to some extent fortunate that we are not yet quite in to the game season and that the coarse season is winding down for its closed periods. We can only hope that we will be back on the water soon.

Our staff will be working but their contact with members will be strictly limited, The Cart Shed is now locked. Where possible keepers will work from home and will be keeping an eye on their waters avoiding all physical contacts wherever possible.

The committee would like to thank all our members for their understanding at this very difficult time in the club’s history and urge that you support each and every effort to deal with this crisis.

As well as Email communication updates will be posted on the Web Site and Forum

SADAC Committee March 25th 2020

2020-03-26T11:09:00+00:00March 26th, 2020|News|Comments Off on COVID-19 Fishing Suspended

Wild Trout Trust Auction 20-29 March.

The auction is the WTTs biggest fundraising event and provides vital funds, enabling them to deliver practical advice and habitat improvement projects for the benefit of wild trout and all wildlife that shares the places where they live.
The auction has over 300 lots, mainly fishing around the UK,  but also flies, hand made rods and, this year, some especially lovely art.
The bidding takes place on eBay and by post. All the details, including a catalogue of lots with a map and a link to eBay, can be found on the WTT website: HERE

Alternatively go direct to the Ebay auction  HERE

Despite the uncertainty surrounding Cornavirus the auction is going ahead as planned. The monies raised are incredibly important to the WTT, even more so in these vexing times. If you win a lot and Covid-19 prevents you from taking your lot, please contact the WTT and they will do their best to sort the situation; for example, donors might be willing to defer when the lot is taken. Hopefully, refunds won’t be needed, but please contact them for help.

Download  low res without images catalogue: HERE

2020-03-20T15:47:46+00:00March 20th, 2020|News|Comments Off on Wild Trout Trust Auction 20-29 March.

Coronavirus Club Guidelines

One could argue that our sport is best placed for “self- isolation” and “social distancing”, frequently heard during the COVID 19 pandemic. Our members have the opportunity to go fishing and enjoy the solitude of being by the river, blending with the surroundings, observing rising fish and wild life in a peaceful way.

However, we cannot neglect that the pandemic is developing fast and we need to prepare for it and possibly adapt the way we live our lives.

There are a lot of unknowns at this stage. The book is being written as we speak. On top of the official guidelines, the club has made an initial risk assessment of how COVID 19 may affect our fishing and has come with the following guidelines.

  1. Catch Return boxes: Members are asked to use the return books to sign in and record their catch. The returns box, book and pens become multiple points of contact for the visiting anglers. Please ensure that you bring and use your own sanitiser after you complete the returns book, both when signing in and out of a fishery. The same is the case for tally boards. Alternatively, you may wish to use latex gloves and bring your own pen. The catch return boxes will be sanitised by the club during maintenance visits.
  2. Gates and locks: Please use hand sanitiser/gloves, as above.
  3. Cart Shed Office: The office will be open as normal and will continue its open door policy. However, only two members at the time will be allowed inside the office.
  4. Bailiff checks: Our bailiff team will be active as normal. They will be provided with latex gloves to avoid contamination. During a membership book inspection, you may simply open the first […]
2020-03-16T14:30:22+00:00March 16th, 2020|News|Comments Off on Coronavirus Club Guidelines

Spring News 2020

Season Outlook

Technically, March is the start of spring. Realistically, year on year it feels like winter does not want to let go. This year in particular watching the pelting rain, hearing storm after storm causing devastation does not exactly fill one with joy. The news about corona virus spreading and its impact on our daily lives has an additional burden on the way we feel. Health? Holidays? Travel? Economy?

However, there is one thing that fills me with excitement. Only a few weeks before the start of the season! From where I am sitting at the moment it will be a superb season. Let me explain why.

What drives our sport is the frequency and intensity of fly hatches, starting with large dark olives and grannom in April, continuing with mayflies in May, enjoying the small olive and blue wing olive spinner falls in summer and having good sport with sedges and pale wateries when the weather gets cooler in autumn.

It is by now scientifically proven that our flies have three main enemies. First of all accumulation of silt on the river bed, a result of run off from roads and cultivated fields. Secondly, increasing amounts of phosphates from agriculture and sewage water treatment plants.  Thirdly, pesticides and other chemical compounds that may find their way into the rivers. If you add low water conditions and decreased river flows the negative effect on our fly life is exacerbated.

Not this year though. The aquifer recharge has been the earliest that I have witnessed in the last 10 years I have been working for the club. The river Till has been running in the village of Shrewton, about 3 miles North of Stonehenge,  from early December and the ground […]

2020-03-05T09:30:08+00:00March 4th, 2020|Newsletters|Comments Off on Spring News 2020

Membership Survey Results

The recent membership survey basic results are shown below. We received a total of 403 responses from 1759 membership emails.
Many members took the opportunity to add observations and comments which are extremely useful. The results will take some time to fully analyse and members will be kept informed of the outcome.

Membership Survey Results

2020-01-14T11:02:09+00:00January 14th, 2020|News|Comments Off on Membership Survey Results
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