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Coarse Lakes Update November 2019

The club’s coarse lake’s sub group met on 14th November. We heard updates on the work at Petersfinger, Steeple Langford and the smaller lakes.

Petersfinger;  Things have not settled with time, fish are continuing to die. Plants have been added and will be developing and helping things but water quality monitoring and fish health checks have shown that we still have problems. The lake bed silt is highly organic and is producing detectable levels of lethal toxins, ammonia and nitrite. Fish sampling has shown good gill health but with excessive mucus present and poor internal organ health. Winter months will see increased toxin levels as plants stop utilising the excess nutrients. Problems are greater In Clark’s Lake than in Hand’s. Although the levels of toxins do not generally reach the lethal levels experienced during mass fish kills in the early season their fluctuations alongside other variables such as PH(acidity/alkalinity), oxygen level and temperature cause ongoing stress to the stock and make them more vulnerable to the toxins produced when algal blooms crash overnight.

Examination of the options with various experts has led us to the conclusion that physical de-silting of the lakes would be prohibitively expensive and impractical on a site adjacent to an SSSI and SAC  and within the flood zone. The costs of such an exercise would be many hundreds of thousands of pounds way beyond any reserve held by the club and not realistically recoverable from the membership over time.

An alternative plan has been developed and will be put to committee for approval. It is at a manageable cost and has every chance of recovering the fisheries to satisfactory condition for stock to be reassessed and established in the next season in Hand’s lake […]

2019-11-17T10:33:04+00:00November 17th, 2019|News|Comments Off on Coarse Lakes Update November 2019

Cormorants & The General Licence

Anglers, Clubs and Fishery Managers urged to use review to get cormorants on the General Licence

The Angling Trust and the Avon Roach Project are calling on anglers, angling clubs and fishery owners to respond to the current licensing review and press to have cormorants added to the General Licence so that we can better protect our threatened fish stocks from unsustainable predation.

The government has launched an online public consultation on the General Licence which is open for comments and responses until 5th December 2019.

Angling Trusts News Item  HERE

DEFRA Wild Birds General Licence Survey HERE

2019-11-03T12:05:41+00:00November 3rd, 2019|News|Comments Off on Cormorants & The General Licence

2019 Game Season Highlights

Presentation given to the Game Fishermen’s Meeting by John Stoddart ( Game Vice Chair) on Saturday 26th October 209 outling the 2019 Game Season Highlights.[3d-flip-book mode=”fullscreen” urlparam=”fb3d-page” id=”3878″ title=”false”]

2019-10-29T09:20:34+00:00October 29th, 2019|News|Comments Off on 2019 Game Season Highlights

Water Challenges and Choices Consultation


Consultation link

We have launched a consultation seeking your views on the challenges our waters face and the choices we all need to make to improve and protect this vital and precious resource.

Your responses to this consultation will help shape the future approach to managing the water environment and will be used to update the existing river basin management plans in 2021.

The Challenges and Choices consultation seeks your views on:

  • the challenges that threaten the water environment
  • how we can work together to manage our waters
  • who should pay

Our ‘Small Changes, Big Picture’ films are online now to help you learn about the challenges facing water today and what you can do to help. Watch the trailer on Environment Agency TV

We invite you to submit your views to us via the link below. The closing date for receipt of your comments is 24 April 2020.

Opening date: 24 October 2019

Closing date: 24 April 2020

Phil Lodge

Deputy Director, Operations Catchment Services

Environment Agency

How to respond:

Go to:

If you have any queries please email

2019-10-24T16:41:30+01:00October 24th, 2019|News|Comments Off on Water Challenges and Choices Consultation

Coarse Lakes Update. October 2019.

A lot of hard work has been done in the last few weeks. Fishing has fully resumed at Langford with good bags of mostly rudd coming from the Pleasure lake. The recent carp match saw fish caught and a winning fish of 31lbs 3oz for Ben Bentley.

At Langford a great many trees have been taken out allowing much more wind over the smaller lake, floating islands have been planted up and installed which will start to provide cover and take up nutrient load from the water. The numbers of geese have significantly reduced partly as a result of more anglers on the bank and the team working there several days each week. This will mean much less nutrient from them entering the water. Further plans include improving the car park bank, new platforms and a bit more tree work . All of this weather dependant as we enter the wetter months.

Silt and stock analysis are the next steps for the Pleasure lake.

Good signs of fish movement have been seen In Hand’s lake at Petersfinger , lots of bubbles and movement and the presence of various species and sizes seen. Much less activity in Clark’s lake.

Test fishing of Hand’s was carried out on Sunday 29th Sept. with well over a hundred fish of various species caught and all returned safely. Sadly in the days following the exercise dead fish began to show up showing possibly  that the stock have not fully recovered and will not be resilient enough to resume fishing at this stage. EA fishery experts have been consulted for their views on this. The best analysis would be that things are improving, a decent number of fish have survived in that lake but their […]

2019-10-07T09:25:14+01:00October 7th, 2019|News|Comments Off on Coarse Lakes Update. October 2019.

UK; River Itchen Weed Cutting Dates 2020

River Itchen Weed Cutting Dates 2020

The river Itchen Weed Cutting dates 2020 have now been finalised by the Environment Agency and The Test & Itchen Association.

Test & Itchen Association Weed Cutting Dates 2020

Sector A: River Itchen Weed Cutting Above Durngate Sluice ( Winchester)

Sector A Cutting Dates Sector A Clearing Off Dates
Saturday 2nd May – Wednesday 6th May Thursday 7th May
Friday 5th June – Friday 12th June Saturday 13th June –Sunday 14th June
Saturday 4th July – Friday 10th July Saturday  11th July – Sunday 12th July
Thursday 13th Aug – Thursday 20th Aug Friday 21st August – Saturday 22nd August

Sector B: River Itchen Weed Cutting Below Durngate Sluice ( Winchester)

Sector B: River Itchen Weed Cutting Dates 2019 Sector B Clearing Off Dates
Sunday 3rd May – Thursday 7th May Friday 8th May
Saturday 6th June – Saturday 13th June Sunday 14th June – Monday 15th June
Sunday 5th July – Saturday 11th July Sunday 12th July – Monday 13th July
Friday 14th Aug – Friday 21st August Saturday 22nd – Sunday 23rd Aug

Weed may be cut any time after 2nd October 2019 until 15th April 2020. Owners are asked to ensure that cutting is completed before trout spawning begins and that cut bank side vegetation is not allowed to fall in the river.

1. Weed Cutting should start at the beginning of the dates allowed. You must inform your downstream neighbour when you have finished clearing off and of any subsequent problems. Regular communication with your neighbours upstream and downstream is essential […]

2019-10-07T09:21:23+01:00October 2nd, 2019|News|Comments Off on UK; River Itchen Weed Cutting Dates 2020

UK; Weed Cutting Dates River Test 2020

River Test Weed Cutting Dates 2020

River Test Weed cutting dates 2020.

Dates for the River Test weed cutting periods have been agreed by the Environment Agency and the Test and Itchen Association for 2019.
Cutting will start at the top of the river  with slight changes as we move further down the system.


Weed may be cut any time after 14 October 2019 until 26 April 2020. Owners are asked to ensure that cutting is completed before trout spawning begins and that bank side vegetation is not allowed to fall in the river.


Cutting should start at the beginning of the dates allowed. Please inform your downstream neighbour when you have finished clearing off and of any subsequent problems. Regular communication with your neighbours upstream and downstream is essential to ensure trouble-free weed cutting and clearing down. Weed cutting boats should finish one day before the end of each cutting period.

The Environment Agency has granted consent for the general cutting of weed on the River Test, and approved the dates overleaf. In the event of low river flows (and high water temperatures) the Environment Agency may request that weed cuts are postponed or reduced in extent in order to maintain water levels and quality. Cutting of weed outside of the authorised dates, without the Agency’s consent, constitutes an offence under Section 90 of the Water Resources Act 1991

Grass cuttings and bank trimmings must NEVER be put into the river. Depositing any form of solid waste in the river, including bankside vegetation, is strictly prohibited under Sections 85 and 90 of the Water Resources Act 1991

Riparian owners are asked to carry out bank maintenance and other works likely to cause displacement […]

2021-10-22T12:40:06+01:00October 2nd, 2019|News|Comments Off on UK; Weed Cutting Dates River Test 2020

Radio 4 Farming Today.

Audio clip from BBC Radio 4 program Farming Today, first broadcast on 10th September 2019, with Hans Staartjes, Jan Szakowski, and Andreas Topintzis.

Discussing the Club’s involment and the  importance of River Fly Monitoring.

2019-09-10T12:00:25+01:00September 10th, 2019|News|Comments Off on Radio 4 Farming Today.
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