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Trout Fishery Restrictions 1st April 2018

The recent rain has risen the rivers which are coloured and pushing.

The Avon is at bank level at Durnford and has flooded below the first gate at Ham Hatches all the way to the Sleeper Bridge. This section will be closed and we will keep members informed.

Also the bank at the start of the wading section at Stonehenge will be closed as it is flooded.

2018-03-30T10:49:55+01:00March 30th, 2018|News|Comments Off on Trout Fishery Restrictions 1st April 2018

UK; River Itchen Weed Cutting Dates 2018

River Itchen Weed Cutting Dates 2018

The chalkstreams of Southern England are renowned for the crystal clear water high in nutrients which not only  grows large trout but also helps to produce exceptional weed growth.
This has to be managed to not only allow fishing access but control water height but to help prevent flooding of surrounding farmland, villages and towns.

Ever year there are periods during the trout season when the river keepers are allowed to cut this weed, once cut the weed floats downstream to collection points where it is taken out of the river.
Rather than cut all the weed, keepers are very selective in cutting as is home to many invertebrates that fish and birds rely upon in the river valleys.

The dates for weed cutting in 2018 have now been confirmed by the River Test & Itchen Association.

Sector A: Above Dungate Sluice Winchester

Sector A Cutting Days Sector A Cleardown Days
Wednesday 2nd May to Sunday 6th May Monday 7th May
Tuesday 5th June to Tuesday 12th June Wednesday 13th June to Thursday 14th June inclusive
Wednesday 4th July to Wednesday 11th July Thursday 12th July to Friday 13th July inclusive
Monday 13th August to Monday 20th August Tuesday 21st August to Wednesday 22nd August

Sector B: Below Durngate Sluice Winchester.

Sector B Cutting Days Sector B Clearing off Days
Thursday 3rd May to Monday 7th May Tuesday 8th May
Wednesday 6th June to Wednesday 13th June Thursday 14th June to Friday 15th June inclusive
Thursday 5th July to Wednesday 11th July Thursday 12th July to Friday 13th July  inclusive
Tuesday 14th August to Tuesday 21st August Wednesday 22nd August to Thursday 23rd […]
2018-03-27T19:28:10+01:00March 27th, 2018|News|Comments Off on UK; River Itchen Weed Cutting Dates 2018

S&TC Press Release – River Avon Environmental Crisis

Upper Avon - Bill Latham - Salisbury & District Angling Club

Press Release
Issued by: Salmon & Trout Conservation

Study shows sewage treatment plants are deadly for world-famous river.

Wild fish charity, Salmon & Trout Conservation (S&TC) and Salisbury & District Angling Club have recently submitted a scientifically-backed formal warning ( Request for Action) to the Environment Agency about the rapid destruction of one of our most highly protected chalkstreams – the Upper Avon in Wiltshire.

Scientific monitoring by Salmon & Trout Conservation has highlighted that this once bursting with life chalkstream has suffered a dramatic decline in water quality with a consequential loss of water insect life – the base of the aquatic food chain. The Riverfly Census covered reaches on the river Avon from Stonehenge and Amesbury to Stratford sub Castle in Salisbury, to provide a 3-year data baseline of life in the river.

A major source of this pollution is caused by phosphates. Effluent discharges from three sewage treatment works in the catchment are recognised as a major source of these damaging phosphates into the river. Phosphates are widely acknowledged as a major cause of water quality deterioration in the River Avon.

Significantly, these discharges have been increasing at an alarming rate since 2015. Population forecasts show that this situation will deteriorate even further because of increased housing developments and the re-basing of many thousands of servicemen and their families.

Jan Szakowski from the Salisbury and District Angling Club said, “We have issued a formal notification to the Environment Agency of the severe environmental damage that has been caused and continues to be caused by phosphate effluent from sewage treatment works operated by Wessex Water. Unless something […]

2018-03-28T23:37:37+01:00March 27th, 2018|News|Comments Off on S&TC Press Release – River Avon Environmental Crisis

UK; River Test Weed Cutting Dates 2018

River Test Weed Cutting Dates 2018

River Test Weed cutting dates 2018 .

The chalkstreams of Southern England are renowned for the crystal clear water high in nutrients which not only  grows large trout but also helps to produce exceptional weed growth.
This has to be managed to not only allow fishing access but control water height but to help prevent flooding of surrounding farmland, villages and towns.

Ever year there are periods during the trout season when the river keepers are allowed to cut this weed, once cut the weed floats downstream to collection points where it is taken out of the river.
Rather than cut all the weed, keepers are very selective in cutting as is home to many invertebrates that fish and birds rely upon in the river valleys.

The dates for weed cutting in 2018 have now been confirmed by the River Test & Itchen Association.

River Test Weed Cutting Dates 2018

Sector A: River Test from source to the A34 bridge near Whitchurch and Bourne

Sector A Cutting Days Sector A Clearing off Days
Monday 11 June – Wednesday 20 June (midnight) Thursday 21 June – Friday 22 June
Monday 16 July – Sunday 22 July (midnight) Monday 23 July – Tuesday 24 July
Monday 20 August – Sunday 26 August (midnight) Monday 27 August – Tuesday 28 August

Sector B: River Test from the A34 bridge near Whitchurch to the A303 bridge at Gavelacre

Sector B Cutting Days Sector B Clearing off Days
Monday 11 June – Thursday 21 June (midnight) Friday 22 June – Saturday 22 June
Monday 16 July – Monday 23 July (midnight) Tuesday 24 July – Wednesday 25 July
Monday 20 August – Monday 27 August (midnight) Tuesday 28 August – Wednesday 29 August

Anton, Pillhill and Dever

Anton, Pillhill, Bourne & Dever Cutting Days Anton, Pillhill, Bourne & Dever Clearing off Days
Tuesday 12 […]
2018-04-09T14:57:35+01:00March 21st, 2018|News|Comments Off on UK; River Test Weed Cutting Dates 2018

Environmental Crisis on the River Avon near Stonehenge

Request for Action.

The Club along Salmon & Trout Conservation UK have submitted a “ Request for Action”  letter to the Environment Agency.

Action has been taken after the third year of  “ Benchmarking” confirmed with certainty that there is an environmental disaster occurring, the river is being destroyed.

Read all details Click Here

2018-03-15T10:16:30+00:00March 15th, 2018|News|Comments Off on Environmental Crisis on the River Avon near Stonehenge

Salisbury & District Angling Club 2018 Subscription Rates

Salisbury & District Angling Club Subscription Rates 2018 – 2019

The following new subscription rates were set at the AGM on 16th January 2018. These rates include the Game Premium where appropriate.
Game Full & Associate £255.00
Game Senior Citizen £193.00
Game Junior £57.00
Coarse Full & Associate £114.00
Coarse Senior Citizen £78.00
Coarse Junior £29.00

2018-01-17T21:38:04+00:00January 17th, 2018|News|Comments Off on Salisbury & District Angling Club 2018 Subscription Rates

Weed Cutting Dates River Wylye 2018

River Wylye – Bathhampton  to Chilhampton

Friday 6th to Friday 13th April Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th April
Monday 7th to Sunday 20th May Sunday 21st & Monday 22nd May
Monday 25th June to Tuesday 10th July Wednesday 11th & Thursday 12th July

River Wylye – Below Chilhampton

Friday 13th to Friday 20th April Saturday 21st & Sunday 22nd April
Monday 14th to Sunday 27th May Monday 28th & Tuesday 29th May
Monday 2nd to Tuesday 17th July Wednesday 18th to Thursday 19th July
2018-03-28T23:42:14+01:00January 10th, 2018|News|Comments Off on Weed Cutting Dates River Wylye 2018

Weed Cutting Dates River Avon 2018

RIVER AVON – Above Crossing ‘C’

Saturday 21st April to Saturday 5th May Sunday 6th  & Monday 7th May
Friday 15th to Wednesday 27th June Thursday 28th & Friday 29th June
Saturday 21st – Monday 30th July Tuesday 31st July & Wednesday 1at August

RIVER AVON – Below Crossing “C”

Wednesday 25th April to Wednesday 9th May Thursday 10th & Friday 11th May
Monday 18th to Saturday 30th June Sunday 1st & Monday 2nd July
Monday 23rd July to Wednesday 1st August Thursday 2nd & Friday 3rd August
2018-03-28T23:43:50+01:00January 8th, 2018|News|Comments Off on Weed Cutting Dates River Avon 2018

AGM 2018

Annual General Meeting 2018

As notified  in your membership year book the AGM will be held at The Cycling Club. Salt Lane, Salisbury SP1 1DU on Tuesday 16th January.
Proceeding will commence at 7.30pm
There is a car park opposite the venue in Salt Lane or alternatively the central car park is only a 5 minute walk.

2018-01-05T08:01:26+00:00November 1st, 2017|News|Comments Off on AGM 2018

River Avon Benchmarking Results 2016

The 2016 benchmarking results have now been updated and can be viewed Here

It is interesting and rather worrying to see the fairly dramatic fall in Gammarus numbers on sites when compared to the 2015 results.


2017-10-03T14:07:33+01:00October 3rd, 2017|News|Comments Off on River Avon Benchmarking Results 2016
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