2016 -2017 Subscription Rates
At the Annual General Meeting held on Tuesday 12th January 2016 the following subscription rates were agreed.
Game Full/Associate Renewal: £223
Game Senior Citizen: £166
Game Junior: £57
Coarse Full/Associate: £105
Coarse Senior Citizen: £72
Coarse Junior: £29

To renew online please CLICK HERE and select the relevant  option.
Please follow all instructions carefully.
Last year we achieved over 80% of members renewing online which saved a huge amount of time in office administration.

Members can also pay by BACS transfer to:

Salisbury and District Angling Club
Sort Code: 40 40 14
Account Number: 21164015
Please quote your membership number on payment and email the office (
office@salisburydistrictac.co.uk)  to advise.

If you are not comfortable with electronic means of payment, you may pay by cheque/cash.