18th November 2021 – Hands Lake
Four small areas netted, total area approximately 0.9 acre
8lb Pike.
84lb quality Roach and Perch.
21lb Skimmers.
4lb Teanch.
1kb Eel.
4lb Pike
95lb small Roach and Perch.
Approximately 100lb per acre removed.
19th November – Clarks Lake
Deeper end netted approximately 1 acre
Reeds a problematic and reduced area and effectiveness of sweep.
46lb Pike
6lb Skimmers
57lb Roach and Perch
45lb Pike
83lb Roach & Perch
Approximately 120lb per acre removed.
- The results of the netting were a success. To give the remaining fish room to grow and allow us room in the lakes to stock we have had to unfortunately remove some fish.These were small silver fish less than 120.. (5in) and some pike smaller than 4lb.
- 100lb removed from Hands120lb removed from Clarks
- The results of last years netting has seen improvement as some good Roach and Perch were found in both lakes.There are numbers of Pike in Clarks and fewer in Hands as planned.