River Test Weed Cutting Dates 2024

River Test Weed cutting dates 2024.

Dates for the River Test weed cutting periods have been agreed by the Environment Agency and the Test and Itchen Association for 2024.
Cutting will start at the top of the river  with slight changes as we move further down the system.


Weed may be cut any time after 14 October 2023 until 26 April 2024. Owners are asked to ensure that cutting is completed before trout spawning begins and that bank side vegetation is not allowed to fall in the river.


Cutting should start at the beginning of the dates allowed. Please inform your downstream neighbour when you have finished clearing off and of any subsequent problems. Regular communication with your neighbours upstream and downstream is essential to ensure trouble-free weed cutting and clearing down. Weed cutting boats should finish one day before the end of each cutting period.

The Environment Agency has granted consent for the general cutting of weed on the River Test, and approved the dates overleaf. In the event of low river flows (and high water temperatures) the Environment Agency may request that weed cuts are postponed or reduced in extent in order to maintain water levels and quality. Cutting of weed outside of the authorised dates, without the Agency’s consent, constitutes an offence under Section 90 of the Water Resources Act 1991

Grass cuttings and bank trimmings must NEVER be put into the river. Depositing any form of solid waste in the river, including bankside vegetation, is strictly prohibited under Sections 85 and 90 of the Water Resources Act 1991

Riparian owners are asked to carry out bank maintenance and other works likely to cause displacement of silt before Christmas, to avoid damage to spawning. The advice of the Agency should be sought before the commencement of any work and the necessary land drainage consents obtained.

Weed cutting should be undertaken in a manner which is sensitive to the needs of the river habitat. Overzealous or indiscriminate cutting of river weed or marginal vegetation can negatively impact habitat for healthy fly life, fish and other wildlife.

Above all else, be considerate and use your common sense. Do not send downstream what you would not want to receive from upstream.

Test & Itchen Association Weed Cutting Dates 2020

River Test & Itchen Association.

DownLoad  Here


Sector A: River Test from source to the A34 bridge near Whitchurch and Bourne

Sector A Cutting Days Sector A Clearing off days
Sunday 9 June – Tuesday 18 June (midnight) Wednesday 19 June – Thursday  20 June
Sunday 14 July – Saturday 20 July (midnight) Sunday 21 July – Monday 22 July
Sunday  18 August – Saturday 24 August (midnight Sunday 25 August – Monday 26 August

Sector B1: River Test from the A34 bridge near Whitchurch to top of Middleton Estate at Longparish

Sector B1 Cutting days Sector B1 Clearing off Days
Monday 10 June – Wednesday 19 June (midnight) Thursday 20 June – Friday 21 June
Monday 15 July – Sunday 21 July (midnight) Monday 22 July – Tuesday 23 July
Monday 19 August – Sunday 25 August (midnight) Monday 26 August – Tuesday 27 August

Rivers Anton, Pillhill and Dever

Anton, Pillhill, Bourne & Dever Cutting Days Anton, Pillhill, Bourne & Dever Clearing off Days
Monday 10 June – Wednesday 19 June (midnight) Thursday  20 June – Friday 21 June
Monday 15 July – Sunday 21 July (midnight) Monday 22 July – Tuesday 23 July
Monday 19 August – Sunday 25 August (midnight) Monday 26 August – Tuesday 27 August

Sector B2: River Test from top of Middleton Estate at Longparish to top of Wherwell Priory (B3420)

Sector B2 Cutting Days Sector B2 Clearing off Days
Tuesday 11 June – Thursday 20 June (midnight) Friday  21 June – Saturday 22 June
Tuesday 16 July – Monday 22 July (midnight) Tuesday 23 July – Wednesday 24 July
Tuesday 20 August – Monday 26 August (midnight) Tuesday 27 August – Wednesday 28 August

Sector C: River Test from top of Wherwell Priory (B3420) to the boundary between Leckford Estate and the Houghton Club at Longstock

Sector C Cutting Days Sector C Clearing off Days
Wednesday 12 June – Friday 21 June (midnight) Saturday 22 June – Sunday 23 June
Wednesday 17 July – Tuesday 23 July (midnight) Wednesday 24 July – Thursday 25 July
WEdnesday 21 August – Tuesday 27 August (midnight) Wednesday 28 August – Thursday 29 August

Sector D: River Test from boundary between Leckford Estate and the Houghton Club at Longstock to the road between Horsebridge and Bossington Mill

Sector D Cutting Days Sector D Clearing off Days
Thursday 13 June – Saturday 22 June (midnight) Sunday 23 June – Monday 24 June
Thursday 18 July – Wednesday 24 July (midnight) Thursday 25 July – Friday 26 July
Thursday 22 August – Wednesday 28 August (midnight) Thursday 29 August – Friday 30 August

Sector E: River Test from the road between Horsebridge and Bossington Mill to the weed boom at Greatbridge plus Wallop Brook

Sector E Cutting Days Sector E Clearing off Days
Thursday 13 June – Sunday 23 June (midnight) Monday 24 June – Tuesday 25 June
Thursday 18 July – Thursday 25 July (midnight) Friday 26 July – Saturday 27 July
Thursday 22 August – Thursday  29 August (midnight) Friday 30 August – Saturday 31 August

RIVER DUN: from source to confluence with River Test at Kimbridge

River Dun Cutting Days River Dun Clearing off Days
Thursday 13 June – Friday 21 June (midnight) Saturday  22 June – Sunday 23 June
Thursday 18 July – Tuesday 23 July (midnight) Wednesday 24 July – Thursday  25 July
Thursday 22 August – Tuesday 27 August (midnight) Wednesday 28 August – Thursday 29 August

Sector F: River Test from the weed boom at Greatbridge to the sea.

Sector F Cutting Days Sector F Clearing off Days
Thursday 13 June – Sunday 23 June (midnight) Monday 24 June – Tuesday 25 June
Thursday 18 July – Thursday 25 July (midnight) Friday 26 July – Saturday 27 July
Thursday 22 August – Thursday 29 August (midnight) Friday 30 August – Saturday 31 August