Spring 2018 Newsletter

Salisbury & District Angling Club Spring 2018 Newsletter

Read below or download printable version:  HERE

As outlined in the previous newsletter hard copy versions will no longer be produced and all Club communications will be transmitted to members via the web site, online forum  or email.

Please make sure that you advise the office if you change any of your contact details.

Subscription Renewal Reminder
Membership Fees 2018/2019
Subscription rates agreed at the AGM held on Tuesday 9th January 2018
Game Full/Associate £255.00
Game Senior Citizen £193.00
Game Junior £57.00
Coarse Full/Associate £114.00
Coarse Senior Citizen £78.00
Coarse Junior £29.00

Renewals can be done by cheque, cash, or BACS transfers but preferably online.

 Visit web site: https://salisburydistrictac.co.uk/renewals/

For BACS payments our account details are given below. Please use your membership number for reference.

Name: Salisbury & District Angling Club
Sort Code: 40 40 14
Account No: 21164015

Renewals are now overdue !

General Data Protection Regulation.

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a legal framework that sets guidelines for the collection and processing of personal information of individuals within the European Union (EU). … GDPR will come into effect across the EU on May 25, 2018.
The Salisbury & District Angling Club are currently reviewing and updating our practices and privacy policy to ensure we remain compliant with these new regulations which are designed to safeguard your information.
Currently we hold personal information including your full name, address, telephone email details in our membership database.
This information will only ever be used for legitimate membership and administration purposes and never be divulged to third parties.
Further information will follow shortly.


The 2017 season will certainly be remembered for the steady reduction in water flow, which at the end of the trout season, saw the rivers at unseen levels. This was not good news for the coarse […]