Spring 2019 newsletter

The Salisbury & District Angling Club
The Cart Shed
New Bottom Road
Stratford sub Castle
Email: office@salisburydistrictac.co.uk


Dear Members

Subscription Renewal Reminder – Final Call
Membership Fees 2019/2020
Subscription rates agreed at the AGM held on Tuesday January 11th 2019
Game Full/Associate £265.00
Game Senior Citizen £203.00
Game Junior £57.00
Coarse Full/Associate £120.00
Coarse Senior Citizen £82.00
Coarse Junior £29.00

Renewals need to be received by 30th April at the very latest to secure membership.  There are many on the waiting list that would like a place.

Renewals can be done by cheque, cash, or BACS transfers but preferably online.

For BACS payments our account details are given below. Please use your membership number for reference.
Name: Salisbury & District Angling Club
Sort Code: 40 40 14
Account No: 21164015. Renew Now

Game FishingJohn Stoddart Vice Chair Game

The game fishing section of the club goes from strength to strength. There are some years in the club’s history when very important  things have happened securing our future. I count among these several great fishery acquisitions, Durnford and the upper Wylye beats come to mind as examples. Then there are decisions such as the opening up of the game fishing to associate members which gave us the funds to acquire more and improve our waters without overstressing them. I also count the move to online renewals steamlining our financial and admin processes as one of those big steps forward for the club..

I believe that 2018/2019 has been one of those important years. We have completed the land purchase at Bonnymead, Amesbury, creating a combined asset with  the fishing rights we already own and a good strip of surrounding  land which we can manage for the best interests of the fishery. The  combined value will greatly enhance our capital asset base.  We hold water […]