UK: River Itchen Weedcutting Dates 2022

River Itchen Weed Cutting Dates 2022

The river Itchen Weed Cutting dates 2020 have now been finalised by the Environment Agency and The Test & Itchen Association.

Test & Itchen Association Weed Cutting Dates 2020

Sector A: River Itchen Weed Cutting Above Durngate Sluice ( Winchester)

Sector A Cutting Dates Sector A Clearing Off Dates
Tuesday 3rd May – Saturday 7th May Sunday 8th May
Monday 6th June – Monday 13th June Tuesday 14th June – Wednesday 15th June
Tuesday 5th July – Monday 11th July Tuesday  12th July – Wednesday 13th July
Sunday 14th Aug – Sunday 21st Aug Monday 22nd  August – Tuesday 23rd August

Sector B: River Itchen Weed Cutting Below Durngate Sluice ( Winchester)

Sector B: River Itchen Weed Cutting Dates 2019 Sector B Clearing Off Dates
Wednesday 4th May – Sunday 8thth May Monday 9th May
Tuesday 7th June – Tuesday 14th June Wednesday 15th June – Thursday 16th June
Wednesday 6th July – Tuesday 12th July Wednesday 13th July – Thursday 14th July
Monday 15th Aug – Monday 22nd August Tuesday 23rd August – Wednesday 24th August

Weed may be cut any time after 2nd October 2021 until 15th April 2022. Owners are asked to ensure that cutting is completed before trout spawning begins and that cut bank side vegetation is not allowed to fall in the river.


1. Weed Cutting should start at the beginning of the dates allowed. You must inform your downstream neighbour when you have finished clearing off and of any subsequent problems. Regular communication with your neighbours […]