This is a double bank fishery situated above Wilton on the River Nadder. The north bank is entered by the lane next to the cemetery on the A30 Shaftesbury Rd out of Wilton. This is the shorter of the two banks but has easier casting as it is open meadow.
The south bank fishery can be entered from South St, Wilton where easy parking is available at the MIchael Herbert Hall. The return books and disc board are found inside the field gate a little further up the road and the fishery can be reached by either crossing the meadow here or from Burcombe Lane where there is a small club car park. Either way a walk through the meadows is necessary where on quiet evenings Red Kite, Buzzard, Green Woodpecker, Barn Owl and deer have all been spotted. Early and late season can mean the meadows are quite wet. Eight rods are permitted , four on each bank and waders will help give access to some of the wilder spots though plenty of fishing can be had from the bank. The water varies with gravelly runs as well as deeper areas. There is a good stock of wild trout and grayling as well as some coarse fish, catch and release is advised. At the top of the beat there is an attractive hatch pool which has seen some larger fish caught.