AGM via Zoom and Clubmate.
Zoom and the AGM and other meetings.
Webinars and Meetings held using “Zoom” technology or similar are becoming increasingly commonplace. Online meetings and consultations are part of the lives of most of us these days. We moved over to Zoom from face to face meetings at the time of the Covid epidemic. Our Zoom meetings include the bimonthly committee, the Game Meeting, the Bailiff meeting, numerous internal meetings including the coarse, finance, planning and other committee subgroups. The AGM is held a Webinar.
The main difference between Zoom meetings and webinars is that meetings are designed for collaboration, while webinars are designed for presenting content to a large audience.
The move to Zoom proved to have several advantages:
attendance at meetings increased, more members full and associate took part,
cost of meetings reduced,
meetings became more businesslike,
travel reduced for members, officers and volunteers,
volunteer and staff time saved.
There were also several disadvantages:
A few members could not take part due to technology issues,
A few members objected on principle,
Voting and question and answer facilities proved tricky,
Loss of face to face informal contact.
After the pandemic we have returned to face to face meetings for the Game Meeting, many of the sub groups, the Open Day because the face to face contact proved most valuable in these settings. (We have tried to develop a Coarse Meeting in the past and would happily hold a face to face session for coarse members but attendance has always been an issue.)
We have continued Zoom meetings for the full committee and the AGM and for those subgroups where it can prove a quick and effective way of conducting business.
We have reviewed and refined the voting and question and answer part of the Zoom Webinar.
At the AGM we will be putting […]