
Traffic Lights

We have reintroduced the traffic light system which we operated a few years ago to indicate which fisheries are closed (red), fishable with care (yellow) or fully open (green).  Notes of local conditions will be shown alongside the traffic light.

Please report any areas of concern.

2024-07-01T10:59:54+01:00July 1st, 2024|News|Comments Off on Traffic Lights

S&DAC Spring 2024 Newsletter

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Spring Newsletter 2024
Editors Ramblings

I am sure that those of us that enjoy a bit of winter fishing on the rivers and lakes have been thwarted by the deluge of rain with rivers and even lakes overwhelmed by water. Some meadows are covered in water and it was said that a boat was required to even get to the banks. I gather there are quite a few for sale at Dover at the moment along with motors and engines –one careful owner.

There have been a few who have managed to find a window and been rewarded with the odd fish. Another cracking chub was landed on the Avon and a 50cm grayling on the Wylye. With all this weather the rivers have been flushed out and hopefully the year ahead looks as if we will have reasonable flows. In the short term it looks as if there may be some banks that will be inaccessible as in previous years and openings delayed if it considered unsafe or footfall may cause further damage. Alas this is one of the results of climate change and has been an issue in previous years. It isn’t something the club wants to do as anglers are chomping at the bit to flick a fly but there are many considerations before any decision is taken.  The keepers and volunteers are doing all they can but nature has a way of thwarting efforts.

As the club moves forward it constantly reviews its policies and one that is being updated is Health and Safety along with safeguarding. As a club we have responsibilities to anyone who works, uses, volunteers and is a member of the club. These policies have to […]

2024-04-19T23:59:26+01:00March 6th, 2024|News, Newsletters|Comments Off on S&DAC Spring 2024 Newsletter

S&DAC May 2023 Newsletter

Salisbury & District Angling Club May 2023 Newsletter.

Game Waters Summary.

Welcome to the May 2023 newsletter and below you will find the first piece from Baz Reece, an associate game member of long standing and our new associate member representative on the committee. Baz has written extensively on the forum and will now take a lead on the newsletter for us.

Our club was formed for local anglers and at a critical point in our history the committee made a brave decision to invite associate membership. Most of our associate members are on the game side and it is fair to say they provide a very good chunk of our income enabling us to hold and manage the water that we do and for the game fees to support the coarse side. Coarse fees raise only about 10% of our income but expenditure is around 20% varying a little every year. The balance comes from our game members some of whom are all-rounders and also fish the coarse waters. Others fly fish the mixed fisheries before the weed gets too much in the summer. As I said this was a brave decision because at the time there was a fear that the character of the club would be changed if it moved from its local principle. Constitutionally therefore the management of the club was kept in local hands by the committee being elected from and by the full members, those living within 14 miles of the cathedral spire. Nonetheless the associate members are an important part of the club, attend and speak at the AGM and have a representative with voting rights on our committee.

It was me who wrote in the last newsletter […]

2023-05-08T17:10:33+01:00May 7th, 2023|News, Newsletters|Comments Off on S&DAC May 2023 Newsletter

2023/4 Membership Year Books

Membership year books have been posted to all those that have paid their membership subscription by 16th March 2023.

2023-03-17T00:30:49+00:00March 14th, 2023|News|Comments Off on 2023/4 Membership Year Books

S&DAC Spring 2023 Newsletter

Salisbury & District Angling Club Spring 2023 Newsletter

Game Waters Summary.

At this time of year we are looking forward to our April 1st trout season opening day. We are watching the weather closely hoping we get the water volumes and the drying banks delivered together that will make the perfect start. Walking the beats I am seeing the first signs of spring, we have had snowdrops at West Amesbury, daffodils just showing, the birds are starting to make more noise. After last year’s dry weather and low flows we have seen a remarkable recovery in river levels and in the aquifers, we are brim full again exactly where we want to be at this time of year. Dilution is the current best protection against run off and sewage overflow, the water companies are under some pressure to act and in time we will see some actions in our area. For now, the best we have is dilution and this winter has really done the job. As things stand today, we expect to open all beats for April the banks are drying nicely and although we have a small number of fallen trees to catch up with we should be ready on time.

In the autumn the EA got back to conducting their electro fishing population surveys after a break during covid. They do surveys at the same sites each year covering 100-meter stretches. The results I have seen from the Avon and the other rivers are encouraging with good counts of brown trout and very good numbers of salmon parr in their first and second year. Other species are also counted, and their numbers are also positive. In many cases we are seeing significant increases over previous […]

2023-03-14T16:28:53+00:00March 9th, 2023|News, Newsletters|Comments Off on S&DAC Spring 2023 Newsletter

Petersfinger and Langford Lakes Update

Please note that the first lake at Petersfinger (Hands Lake) and the big lake at Steeple Langford (White Bird Lake) will reopen this Saturday 18 February.

2023-02-16T10:02:50+00:00February 16th, 2023|News|Comments Off on Petersfinger and Langford Lakes Update

Subscription Rates 2023-2024

Salisbury & District Angling Club Subscription Rates 2023 – 2024

The following new subscription rates were set at the AGM on 10th January 2023.
Game Full & Associate £320.00
Game Senior Citizen £280.00
Game Junior £57.00
Coarse Full & Associate £145.00
Coarse Senior Citizen £100.00
Coarse Junior £29.00
Night Fishing Ticket £25.00 – Additional annual ticket for night fishing on coarse lakes, only where allowed. Renewals Page

2023-01-10T22:49:16+00:00January 10th, 2023|News|Comments Off on Subscription Rates 2023-2024

Weed Cutting Dates River Avon & Tributaries 2023

Weed Cutting Dates 2023  River Avon

The following dates have been approved by the Environment Agency and Wiltshire Fishery Association for weed cutting in the 2023 season.

Weed growth at the start of the year will be closely monitored and cut early in the allocated period if required .

Chalk Stream Weed Cutting

River Avon – Above Crossing ‘C’

Weed Cutting Dates 2023 Cleardown Dates
Sun 23rd April to Sun 7th May Mon 8th & Tues 9th May
Mon 12th June to Sat 24th June Sun 25th June & Mon 26th June
Mon  24th July to Wed 2nd Aug Thurs  3rd Aug & Fri 4th Aug

Crossing “C”

Used by the army ar river Avon crossing point.

River Avon – Below Crossing ‘C’

Weed Cutting Dates 2023 Cleardown Dates
Thurs 27th Apr to Fri 11th May Sat 12th & Sun 13th May
Fri 16th June to Wed 28th June Thurs 29th & Fri 30th June
Wed  26th July to Fri 4th Aug Sat 5th & Sun 6th Aug.

Download WFA Weed Cutting Dates 2023 River Avon, Wylye and Nadder

2022-10-27T11:35:14+01:00October 27th, 2022|News, Weed Cutting Dates|Comments Off on Weed Cutting Dates River Avon & Tributaries 2023

River Test Weed Cutting Dates 2023 -UK

River Test Weed Cutting Dates 2023

River Test Weed cutting dates 2023.

Dates for the River Test weed cutting periods have been agreed by the Environment Agency and the Test and Itchen Association for 2023.
Cutting will start at the top of the river  with slight changes as we move further down the system.


Weed may be cut any time after 14 October until 26 April. Owners are asked to ensure that cutting is completed before trout spawning begins and that bank side vegetation is not allowed to fall in the river.


1. Cutting should start at the beginning of the dates allowed. Please inform your downstream
neighbour when you have finished clearing off and of any subsequent problems. Regular
communication with your neighbours upstream and downstream is essential to ensure trouble-free
weed cutting and clearing down. Weed cutting boats should finish one day before the end of each
cutting period.

2. The Environment Agency has granted consent for the general cutting of weed on the River Test. In
the event of low river flows (and high water temperatures) the Environment Agency may
request that weed cuts are postponed or reduced in extent in order to maintain water levels
and quality. Cutting of weed outside of the authorised dates, without the Agency’s consent,
constitutes an offence under Section 90 of the Water Resources Act 1991.

3. Grass cuttings and bank trimmings must NEVER be put into the river. Depositing any form of solid
waste in the river, including bankside vegetation, is strictly prohibited under Sections 85 and 90 of
the Water Resources Act 1991.

4. Riparian owners are asked to carry out bank maintenance and other works likely to cause
displacement of silt before Christmas, to avoid damage to spawning. The advice of the […]

2022-10-22T12:05:06+01:00October 22nd, 2022|News|Comments Off on River Test Weed Cutting Dates 2023 -UK
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